Who do you think has the greatest imagination in the world today? In my opinion, Parents.
Parents I think have very wild imaginations about their baby. Daphne and I are no exceptions. I'm probably the worst. What do I mean? Read on.
If you have read my previous post about Thinking Funny, I often imagine what Maegan would be like when she grows up. And the little things she does spurs that imagination. This is what I mean.
When she smiles with the sweetest smile ever, I think that she would become a model.
When she punches me when I carry her (yes, she punches her dad), I think she would be a great female boxer. Not that I like that very much.
When she swings her hands rapidly when she's lying in her cot, I think about her being a professional swimmer.
When I hold her and see the length of her fingers, I tell Daphne that she could possibly be a great pianist.
I'm not alone. Daphne's the same. She sees her movements and believes wholeheartedly that she would be become a ballerina.
Recently, her legs starting actively moving rapidly and I say to Daphne "do you think she will become a professional athelete?"
I don't think we are alone in our wild imaginations. Remember how in ancient times parents will let babies pick certain items to see the future they will have? Nothing much has changed since then.
So I think I'll keep on imagining how the future will be. It's kind of fun actually. The scary thing is worrying about which one might come true.
Professional boxer? I would prefer the ballerina if you ask me. :o)