Jealous? Yup, that's how we feel sometimes. Daphne and me.
In the modern world of parenting, ok ... more so in Singapore, having a helper means a lot of what we parents used to do daily is being assisted by a helper. She showers her, cleans her, change her, carries her and soothes her. Everything except feeds her.
With two parent, one working till late, and the other, heading back to work, there isn't very much choice we have but to have a helper we can trust. And honestly, I'm thankful that Maegan likes Nina. I'm even more thankful that Nina dotes on her.
But do we still feel jealous? We do.
It doesn't change a bit how we are as parents. We still carry her, we still love her, we still cuddle her, we still play with her and Daphne still feeds her. Jealous we may feel, I acutally think that it's not that big a deal.
Really, one can outsource care giving but one can never outsource parental love. And a child, learns over time to discipher the difference. There is a huge ocean between care and love. And jealous we may be of how good she is with Nina, I know for certain that no one can replace the love we have for her. Not Nina, not her cousins, not even her grandparents.

There are only two persons in this world will love her more than anything else. And that's us as parents. And even at her age, I think Maegan knows that. She knows that we will love her no matter what she does, she knows she can be naughty with us, she know she can complain to us and keep us awake all night, she knows she can cry till we drive her all the way to Beauty World in our car just so that she would sleep. She knows. And maybe because she knows, she makes full use of it, like making us pamper her more!
So for now, I'm happy that Maegan has someone that takes good care of her when Daphne and I are out working (Daphne's starting work soon by the way). But when 7pm comes, the two persons that comes home are the only ones that can love her the way we do.
And just in case you wonder who they are, it's us. :o)