Monday, June 26, 2006

D.U.I. - Driver Under Influence

Have you ever drove under influence?

I don't mean the illegal kind where you drink and drive. That's irresponsible by the way. I meant influence of another kind. A much more disturbing one I might add. What can be worse than drinking and driving?

Well, try a crying baby.

It's hard driving when baby cries. Perhaps we are alone in this but when Maegan cries in our car, she is quite an influence.

You can't really concentrate on the road, you are upset because she was sleeping so soundly until your beloved mother or mother-in-law does everything possible to wake her to play and hands her over when she cries.

You speed a little because you want to get the journey over and done with but gets irritated with inconsiderate drivers who seems to cut into your lane without ever using a signal light. You turn up Mozart playing on Symphony 92.4FM hoping that it will calm your daughter down given that she has been listening since she was 4 weeks in the womb but she seems to cry even louder. Darn. It's Beethoven, not Mozart.

And finally, you arrive home. Safe and sound. Everyone, including the car, in one piece safely back home, with baby still crying. You step out of the car and you think to yourself "how on earth did I survive that?"

But you did. Well, actually, my wife did. She's the D.U.I. today.

What was I doing? Carrying the crying influence.
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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers