Friday, June 09, 2006

Leaving Home .. Part II

Remember how I was saying that I had only 5 mins in my last post? Well, the moment I clicked "Publish Post" and logged off, the PA system above me went "Calling Passengers for Australian Airlines to Cairns, Mr Martin Tan, please board the gate immediately." My 5 seconds of fame.

So here I am, seated at Sebel Reef House lounge in Cairns. Why am I blogging at a lounge? Well, because in this technologically advanced country, they (still) have dial-ups in our rooms and broadband wireless network in the lounge. Perhaps it's a resort thing. Focus is to rest. Not work. And here we are, working in Cairns.

We arrived this morning at 4.40am, the sky dark as chocolate, travelled to the hotel, had breakfast, started meeting and by the time we were done, it's dinner time and it's dark again. The famous Great Barrier Reef is just in front of the resort but it's dark again. The Reef isn't great looking at night.

Well, why do I sound so whiny? It's because I miss home. I miss Daphne and I miss my baby gal. It was great fun catching with the team. The guys from Australia and New Zealand. It's one big family and everyone is saying how cute Maegan is and I get to be the proud dad showing off her photos on my phone. The fact is, I still miss them and I would really rather be home now than sleeping beside the Great Barrier Reef.

It was great fun though talking to friends about Maegan. Being dad brings with you different sets of questions. My conversations revolves around Maegan it seems. Does she wake up alot? Is Daphne breastfeeding? How's mummy coping with bubba? And you know what? I enjoy chatitng about Maegan. I enjoy telling everyone how she peed all over Daphne when she was being showered (Daphne just told me earlier when I called home about it) and how Daphne prayed for her to have hair when she was born because she has already bought hairclips.

We still talked about work and it was great. But talking about Maegan as a dad, now that's quite something.
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers