If you count Maegan as number one since Mattheus is no longer with us, than there is a slight disadvantage being number two.
For one, you have less photos. (you can tell?)
When Maegan was born, it was all so new to us as parents. Everything was new. Her slight twitch of an eye was worthy of CNN coverage as ground breaking discovery of the century. A whimper of a cry would jolt her parents out of their beds to see if their daughter is breathing. A little tinge of yellow would warrant a A&E visit, or at the least, a visit to the the paedetrician immediately.
Not number two.

Every movement is something we have seen before. If we make a checklist, we would have checked most of it. Poo? Check. Pee? Check. Twitch of an eye? Check. Twitch of two eyes? Hmm.. looks like the previous. Check. Loud cry? Check. Yellow tinge? Check. (side note to self, can wait for a few more days before deciding what to do) and the checklist goes on.
There are very few things that are new and there lies the perennial question all younger siblings face: Why do I have less photos? I now know.
I'm the youngest of 3 boys. My eldest brother had the most photos. 3 - 4 albums worth. My second brother Ernest had it worst. He had probably one. Of course, I'm discounting the fact that I can't recall if I had any album at all since I was somehow squeezed into some parts of their 5 albums.
So what do we do? I've thought of a brilliant way to ensure that she gets her fair share of limelight.
Since I am a gadget freak, or so my wife tells me, I might probably buy myself a new camera I've been eyeing so that I will spend a whole lot more time figuring out the features of the new camera and all these, while snapping new and wonderful photos the new and wonderful camera will take.
Brilliant? I think so too.