You think that you have seen it before. You think that having witnessed the birth of one child, you will be prepared for everything. You think you can take it easy and be calm or zen when the next one pops out. And so you think.
And so I thought.
The fact is, your heart doesn't stop pounding. I can't help it. I tried to be as zen as I can be and be as calm as I can be but I still cannot help but feel excited, exuberant, and ecstatic all at that the same time.
It was the same when Maegan was born and now it's still the same.
So with all the joy being dad all over again ...
I have the pleasure to announce the latest arrival to the Tan family:
Meredith Tan Shi Ning 陈诗宁
Born on the first day of Chinese New Year on 7 February 2008 at 6.10am.
What a way to start the Year of the Rat!
Happy New Year everyone!