After being offline for a while, I'm back. Or shall I say, we're back.
Maegan is getting cuter by the day and her daddy, getting busier by the minute.
So much has happened the last few weeks that I don't even know where to start. This time of the year is typically like this, lots of preparations for events, trying to fund-raise for the Foundation and trying to find some personal time is somewhat luxurious this season.
But being dad makes it all worth it. Sometimes, no matter how busy I am, I drive back to my in-laws place just to spend some time with Maegan and I feel recharged for the rest of the day. It's brilliant.
So what has happened the last few weeks?
Well, here you go.
1. My organisation changed name from Young Leaders Foundation to Halogen Foundation.
2. Daphne travelled to Japan for a week. (Picture of Daphne and Maegan before she flew.)

3. Maegan stayed over at her grandparents place while mummy is away while daddy gets busy at work.
4. Ran our final event for the year with 1600 students at Singapore Expo.
5. Daddy renovates office the next day after event. Staff thinks he's crazy.
6. Maegan started holding her own bottle while feeding

7. Daphne stopped breast feeding and we started formula for Maegan.
8. Maegan's poo get's stinkier by the day.
9. Maegan went for her doctor visit and her doc calls her "fatty". She weighs 7.5kg

10. Daphne bought a Bambo Chair for Maegan.

11. Maegan starts wanting to crawl.

12. Maegan's fart gets stinkier by the day.
13. Maegan started her first cereal feed.

I'll take sometime over the next few days to share more about what has happened. But as you can see, time flies when you are a dad.
More importantly, I'm back blogging.
Miss blogging actually. Hope you miss reading it too. :o)