The reason? A SMS Daphne sent shortly after I settled down in the conference I was attending the whole of today at Orchard Hotel.
It was an early start for me as I needed to arrive by 8.45 for registration at the conference. From the moment I wake up till we left the house, we did everything to make sure we got everything. I still found enough time to play with Maegan a little before we left but it was understandably short.
Reaching the hotel, we found a huge bus trying to negotiate this awfully small lobby driveway and I had to alight behind the bus much to my frustration. With a long queue of car behind being blocked by my car, I quickly alighted and kissed Daphne goodbye before running up the escalator into the conference.
Right on time, I sat down at my designated table, introduced myself to the really smart looking people around me and my phone beeped.
It was Daphne's SMS.
"just now your daughter look at you when you left the car. her daddy forgot to say bye to her! :)"
"I was rushing!"
"I was running late!"
"There were cars honking behind me just now!"
"It was that stupid bus!"
All the thoughts flew past my mind and it happened. The feeling of guilt descended.
Sigh... guilty as charged.

Like one of the participant said when I showed told her about Daphne's SMS,
"Four months old and the guilt trip as begun."
Indeed it has. :(