My daughter just did. :o)

Each day we get to my in-laws place after work, the first thing we do is look for Maegan. Sometimes she would be sleeping and other times, she would be taking a stroll with her grandma because she doesn't want to sleep and she wants to see cars drive by. (her favourite past-time).
We would then take turns to carry her, have our dinner and take her home. Nena our helper would then change her, carry her and when she sleeps, put her in bed and we call it a night.
Last night was different.
We got to my in-laws place and went straight into the room and saw our cute baby sleeping face down. Taking the opportunity while she is sleeping, we finished our dinner and played with her until it was time to go home.
Daddy as usual was responsible for putting her into the car seat and carry her into the house when we got home.
Usually, after Nena settles all the groceries and stuff, I would pass Maegan to her so that she can get her ready for bed. Last night, something interesting happened.
Maegan refused to leave my arms. Ahhh......
Each time Nena tried carrying her from me, she would turn her head and let out a loud crying, as if saying no to her.
What do I do as a dad? I carried her for a longer time, hug my precious daughter, played with her a little more, kissed her good night and finally passed her to Nena. And she cries. Only for a little while and she slept.
I went into my room where Daphne was and with a huge smug look on my face, I smiled at her.
"Daddy's girl" was all she could say.
:o) I love being a dad.