She's a grown up now.
Little Miss Maegan gladly said goodbye to her mum and Auntie Nina (Dad was at work the whole day) as she skipped out of the door with her grandparents. "See you later!" she yelled.
Maegan was one happy girl leaving the comfort of her own home to stay overnight with her grandparents by herself.
She's stayed over many times before but this is the first time that even Auntie Nina isn't going.
We've always thought that she is inseparable from Nina. We were worried because she might be jealous seeing Nina carrying Meredith but nothing of that sort happened with Maegan. She received Meredith with open arms (literally) and now, she can stay overnight with her grandparents without any one of us being around.

Why shouldn't she be excited about staying over without us? The commentary from her grandparents the next day proved it right.
Little Miss Maegan played with all her toys she missed so much. She took every single one out and played with them from living room to bedroom until 1.00am. (Only grandparents would allow her to sleep at 1am.)
She then woke up at 5am only to start asking for milk and Auntie Nina and never slept again until she was back home.
All these while, she just kept playing, running around, went to the botanic garden, ate breakfast and then finally came home.
So what did her parents do while little miss Maegan had her sleepover?
We laid in bed asking ourselves, "I wonder how Maegan is doing?" and "Should we drive over to have a look?" and "What if she poos?".
I'm slowly learning that in instances like this, it's the parents that have the separation anxiety and not the kid.