Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Shake, rattle and roll.

What's the best way to keep an active young girl occupied?

Enroll her into gym class. That's precisely what we did.

Since discovering her acrobatic abilities to climb, crawl and sit, little miss Maegan has been keeping everyone (especially her grandparents) busy preventing vases from falling and her from hitting her head at tables and chairs. To be precise, the legs of tables and chairs.

And boy can she crawl. Fast, focused and committed. Not just that, she climbs everywhere. From her cot to the sofa. From our living room to her bedroom, Maegan just loves her new found freedom.

Hence our grand plan of giving her a huge place to crawl, fall and roll. Gym class.

Every saturday afternoon, Maegan will be crawling with 13 other babies with parents in tow all shaking, rattling and rolling. Often, the parents provides more amusement than the babies. Us included.

Maegan loves it and I'm clocking that 45mins with her, running around, carrying her and crawling with her as my weekly exercise.

I certainly need it more than her. :o)
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers