Two pints of beer, one giant screen, peas and nuts in a bowl and half a dozen chicken wings on the way, two grown men sat and chat. Two topics dominated their conversations. One more than the other. Two grown men, sitting in a pub talking about ...
Poo and football.
"I can't believe you haven't change her diaper yet" says the Irish dad. "Wait till she gets older and her poo changes from sweet smelling to stinky, you might regret not changing her ealier". My only reply "When my baby poo once every two or three days, it's as bad as you can get." As bad as the way England played Ecudor last night. Two dads groan in agreement.
Our conversation went from the frequency of poo to the tips in putting babies to sleep (I meant bed), from how much we enjoyed our daughters (Hailey is 3 weeks older than Maegan) to how much we enjoy seeing Manchester United lose. Two dads enjoyed a chat that most would think only women enjoy (football aside).
The night was so enjoyable that even when his wife called, it was right when the referee whistled for half-time. How timely. How nice.
The trick we found to enjoying ourselves as dads getting together, is to wrap all our loves into all our conversations.
In the midst of FIFA World Cup, one of the greatest sporting event in the universe, one with more spectators than the Summer and Winter Olympics combined, two grown men sat to talk about the three loves of their lives.
Wife, Kids and Football. Our wives would be proud we got the sequence right.
Matthew 19.30. You go figure :o)