I'm serious. I've already decided what I'm getting Maegan for her 16th birthday. A baseball bat.
At the rate this girl is growing, I think she would become a really gorgeous young girl with many admirers and suiters. That's where the baseball bat comes into the picture. No guy can come close to my precious girl. I'll bat his head off! (Told you I'm thinking funny lately)
I think it's a natural instinct of a dad to be protective of his precious daughter. It's in our nature isn't it? To provide and to protect. Since the day man were hunters, we sought to provide protection and provision for our loved ones. Man hasn't change in millenniums.
So, on Maegan's 16th birthday, I'll buy myself a baseball bat and hang above my TV with the words in bold print "For the protection of daddy's precious girl." I can even picture the effect it can have on guys when they step in. Hmmm....
Recently, I started thinking about how I would react when my daughter gets married. When I'll be walking her down the aisle, all dressed in white, and hand her over to another guy. I think I'll be so heartbroken. I think I'll look forward to that day yet dread it at the same time.
What's happening to me?
Just a while ago in the shower, I was thinking about me and Daphne growing old and living with Maegan and her family. Was picturing the scenario and wondering how that will feel. It's crazy but once in a while, such thoughts flashes across your mind without warning.
The best part of it all, Maegan is all but one month old.