Before you crucify me for only doing it just, I have my valid reasons for taking so long to start.
Secondly, feeding Maegan has been the sole responsiblity of Daphne's, thereafter the confinement nanny, than Nina our helper in that particular order. Notice that I didn't even made it to top 3.
So now that our confinement nanny has left, I've been promoted and took my chance to bottle-feed Maegan today. In fact, I had to fight off my helper to get the chance. And I relished every moment of it.
It is so fun feeding Maegan. She's really alert when you feed her and with her big round eyes, she stares at you. Observing ever aspect of her dad. His eyes, his face, his ears and his hair... "his hair... why does it look so much like mine?" would probably be what Maegan's thinking.
Her dad stares at her too. It's a nice feeling looking into her eyes. Feeding her is a great chance to see the details of her face, her double eyelids, little rashes that has surfaced, and her hair, oh yes, her hair. (She's definitely mine!)
So after one month of daddyhood, I've graduated from Daddy 101. I've carried her, cuddled her, sang her lullabys, tuck her into bed, pat her to sleep, burp her and now, the final test of Daddy 101, I've bottle-fed her.
I can't wait for Daddy 201.
If you are wondering how come Diaper Change isn't in Daddy 101, I've checked my course manual. It seems Diaper Change is in Mummy 101, Nanny 101, Helper 101, Grandma 201 and Daddy 501. So it seems I have to wait for a while more. Darn. :o)