Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A month worth celebrating

What a weekend!

If you think planning a birthday party was difficult, try having two. That's what we did. Two parties to celebrate the happiest of all occasions: Maegan's one month birthday. Indeed a day (or two) to celebrate.

Turning one month is a big deal. In the days of old, well at least in our chinese context, turning one month means you are viable. Perhaps, in the days of my grandparents' grandparents, not every baby gets through one month. For a whole variety of reasons as well. Malnutrition, bad hygiene, sickness like tubercolousis, influenza all but make infant mortality a big worry then.

So to cross one month is a big deal. A huge deal.

While medical advancement and standard of hygiene are so far ahead from the days of old, celebrating a baby's one month is still a major deal.

Not just because it signifies the end of one month of confinement for the mum (and dad), it also marks the day of freedom for the parents who can now safely take the baby out to shop (which we did on the day itself) without people staring at you and wondering what kind of parent you are taking the baby out during confinement. It is a bad thing to do so it seems.

It means now the mother can eat almost anything she wants and not be constraint to ginger, vinegar and sesame oil. Most importantly, the mum can now shower without any prejudice from mothers, in-laws and well-meaning auntieswho seems to appear, without formal invitations, with comments of epic proportions. Those that points to the world collapsing becasue the mother showered during confinement.

There's so much to celebrate about Maegan turning one month old. So much so that we had two parties instead of one. Saturday for my family and friends and Sunday for Daphne's family and friends. We even had our close friends from New Zealand making it on Sunday which is so cool.

At the end of two busy days this past weekend, after hours of needful sleep and rest, I can now sit down and take stock of all that has happened.

I look back through our photos of Maegan and remember all that has happened this past one month. So many stories, so many moments, joyful at times, fearful at times. Many times full of shit, and often, the lack of which causes the worry. (*I meant Maegan's constipation problem that has been going on and off. It's a worry when she goes 3 or 4 days without passing motion but when she does, she DOES.)

It's been eventful and one worthy of a big celebration. And celebrated we have.

Not just for all I've shared above but most importantly, we celebrate because Maegan is well, healthy and drop dead gorgeous. We celebrate because we want to. Because everything about her is worth celebrating. Especially when shit* happens.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers