Yes. I have crossed the mental barrier. I am officially calling Maegan a kid instead of baby.
"Why?" did you ask? Because she is growing up too fast. Way too fast.
Not only is she now in school every morning from 8.30am to 1.00pm at Little Skool House at Thomson Road, she now wears a school uniform to school. Since when do babies wear uniforms? And she looks great too!

Two weeks ago, Daphne and I was preparing to go out for dinner with Maegan. We got changed and stood by the door and waited for our little miss Maegan.
"Ready to go Maegan?"
"No. I want to watch Barney."
"But we are going out for dinner. You don't want to come?"
"No mummy. I want to watch Barney."
And with that, she sat on the sofa and watched Barney. Daphne and I had an unplanned date night but truth be told, we were more amused that our kid who is barely two can choose Barney over going out with her parents.
Sign of things to come? I hope not. :o(