First of all, sorry for the delay in putting this blog back "live" again. Those of you who knows why the shutdown, thanks for the understanding. Those of you who don't, thanks for your understanding anyways. :o)
Whatever the reason was, it just feels great to be back.
Why? Maegan's growing up so fast that I really want to journal down all the moments that makes me love being a dad.

Not only is she 19 months officially yesterday, she's going to be a big sister in two months!
She's talking, she's running, she's loud, she's everything a little miss will be and more. More recently, she's memorised all of our names, from her grandparents to her uncles and aunties.
To be fair, she remembered all of her stuff toys names first before ours but we can't complain can we?
Just at dinner, she started counting. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, TEN! And she claps and smiles and yeah!
Maegan's just growing up and it's exciting seeing all these moments.
Amazing how fast a baby grow up.
Too fast. :o)