Well, I've always thought it was because of the ease of saying the word but truth is more because of us as parents. Well, not just us but almost everyone else.
"No no Maegan!" seems to ring almost everyday, repeatedly at our house or when we go shopping or lunch and dinners by almost everyone.
"No no Maegan, no touching the bowl."
"No no Maegan, no climbing on the fan."
"No no Maegan, no taking daddy's handphone"
"No no Maegan, no playing with the remote"
"No no Maegan, no opening the car door!"
"No no Maegan, you can't watch the dvd now. It's too late!"
The list goes on and on.
Recently, my staff and I were looking at some shoes for Maegan after lunch when they chanced upon the t-shirt which says "My name is not No-No!".
How funny and apt.
And yes, I did what all fathers would probably do. I bought it without giving a second thought.
I'm still waiting for the day she say yes. Can anyone tell me how soon that will be?
"No no" says Maegan. :o)