Well, almost everything you can think of. Seriously.
What has her dad been up to since little Maegan started her holiday? Almost everything you can think of as well, keeping up with little miss Maegan. An almost 10 month old baby girl trying to, literally, find her feet walking.
Since we've arrived, we've travelled from Auckland to Tauranga and spent the night at Mt Maunganui, a popular resort called The Mount. Absolutely beautiful and this is where Maegan came face to face with the beach and her little feet walking on sand for the first time. Can't think of a better place to start her beach experience than The Mount.
Travelling further west, the family travelled from The Mount to Te Puke where Maeagan's love affair with apples blossom with her first taste of freshly plucked apples from the apple tree. It was also here that she's had the chance to roll around and play on grass. Something we hardly, actually, never done in Singapore.
The whole family realised we entered Rotorua when everyone thought that Maegan farted. Really, the whole city does smell like Maegan's now famous farts.
It is at Rotorua Maegan had her first ride on the cable car, went under the rain, felt the chill of the south westerly wind, and come face to face with a Maori Warrior and Hakka. She had the chance to play with real life sheep, all the various breed actually.

She got the chance to touch them, play with the sheep dogs and even saw daddy flew.
She saw her first rainbow and wondered where the pot of gold was, saw a lake bigger than the size of Singapore and visited Gollum at Hobbiton.

And now, we're all back in Auckland where she gets into her element best. Shopping. The next few days, Maegan will do what she does best. Visiting shopping centres after shopping centres with her favourite shopping companion, mummy and grandma.
That's a lot for a 9 month old baby to do in the last few days isn't it? The funny thing, she had to come away to NZ before she played at the beach and rolled on the grass. I wonder why.
So while Maegan does all these fun stuff, what does daddy do?
Not sure actually. Daddy simply drove and drove and drove. The last mileage count ... 600Kms and still counting.