We've done so much in the last 3 days. Gone on a holiday for the first time as a family. Maegan's first real holiday (she did go into Johor Bahru once with mummy but since Daddy wasn't there, it didn't count :o) hee). Did it without our helper which is somewhat a challenge but we passed with flying colours. Lot's of milestones in this one holiday but most important of all, we managed to spend time as a family. Something of a little luxury with me being busy the last few weeks.
Togetther with Daphne's parents and brother, our journey up to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was somewhat a simple affair apart from the one moment that made our day, Maegan wearing her first sunnies. A gift from her uncle Ernest.

The moment she wore it, we cracked up laughing.
Moving around K.L. on public transport was another challenge with a pram, a macpac baby carrier, diaper bag and an oversupply of diapers. Oh yes.. not forgetting carrying a baby around. The good thing about moving around with the above, you get priority. We never had to queue because the barriers are too small for prams to go through so we get to push it pass a gate they open for us.
Eating was somewhat of an experience as well. Between her grandma, mummy and me, Maegan loves to choose to wake up while we are eating. That means either one of us needs to swallow our lunch down quickly to make sure she don't get the eyes of every diner staring at us.
Between Maegan's crying and laughing, we managed to get some shopping done, eat some fantastic out-of-the-world meals, get some decent sleep and take some photos. Not a lot I realised but enough to prove our holiday stint.

So how do you really sum up a holiday? I guess you just don't do that sort of thing. Holidays are moments to be treasured. Not just a summary I guess. But if you really want to put me in a corner and ask for one word that sums up our last few days, I guess it would be ....