Very little actually. Can't really think of the last time I was that upset with Maegan until today.
It's been a month since I last blogged and lots have happened since my 100th post. Apart from Maegan spouting more words and increasingly becoming more intelligent, I've also traveled to New Zealand and back, trying to save the world in the meanwhile, somehow. :o)
One thing that did happen is Maegan contracted Croup last weekend when we decided on a little holiday at Rasa Sentosa.
How she got it and where she got it I'm not sure but she certainly cough real bad, whizzes like a Arctic seal and ran very high fever. So much so that we brought her to A&E when we got home.
What made me mad? Maegan's refusal of medication.

What seemed to be a ease last time is now a pain. Maegan refuse to take any of her medicine. She shakes her head, says no, pushes the syringe away and bawls when we try to force the medication down. To no avail anyways because she just spits it out instantly.
We've tried everything. From humour to anger, from using cups to empty Yakult bottle, she knows it's the dreadful medicine and no matter what we do, she says "No!"
The frustration comes when you cannot quite help her understand that she needs this medicine to get well and it pains your heart as a dad to see her suffering while not being able to talk her into taking the one thing that would make her well.
Best part of it all, the medicine actually smells good. Pretty sure it taste good too.
I'm actually at a lost on what to do.
So I'm surrounded by a sick baby refusing her medicine, a wife who is trying everything she knows, a helper who pleads with Maegan to take her medication and grandparents who have no clue as well in what seems like a holiday turned nightmare.
If you have any ideas, tricks, pliers, clamps that can make a baby take her medicine, please save me from my misery and tell me how.
Everyone tells me parenting is hard but no one told me it can be painful at times.