I'm 30.
Yes. The dreaded 30 finally arrived and what makes it even more ironical is I celebrated my birthday twice. Yes, I had two 7th Julys because I was flying from Singapore to LA crossing the international dateline. After boarding the plane on 7th July, I landed in LA, 2 planes, 3 airports and 18 hours later, on 7th July.
God's sense of humour is always second to none.
I can't ask for more really. I have been blessed over the last 30 years with many ups and downs in life like many. More ups than downs really.
On the family front, I have a beautiful wife who by now you would have known is expecting our third child.
It's a whole new experience for me now being dad at 30. Like many of the young people I teach says, I'm getting old but the fun seems to be only beginning.
I'm getting the chance now to blog about my journey of having Daphne being pregnant (this blog only started when Maegan was born) and the many fun and crazy things we say to the baby even at this stage of pregnancy.
It's exciting times ahead for us as a family and thanks for all the well-wishes and congratulations and happy birthdays. If you believe in prayer at all, do pray for me, Daphne, Maegan and "baby-in-there".