Tuesday, January 02, 2007

First post of 2007

Now, how should I start this post?

Merry Christmas? Well, a little belated but still, a Merry Christmas to you.

Happy New Year? Well, could be. But I think I'll start my first post of the year with this ...

It's been great being dad.

2006 couldn't have been a better year for me. To be perfectly honest, it's been a trying year on the work front but to become a dad makes everything, every hard work, every sponsorship pitch, every leadership training I've done all worth it.

So many things happened in 2006 that you wonder how to pen everything down but seeing Maegan born tops everything.

I've enjoyed my last 7 months being dad. We celebrated our first Christmas together with Maegan. We woke up on Christmas morning with her on our bed and headed straight to our Christmas tree to open all her presents.

The truth is that she wanted the wrappers more than the presents but still, it was great just opening all our presents together and later in the night, family coming over for our Christmas dinner.

And now, the first day of the new year brings new adventures to come.

Daphne and I are talking about how we are going to celebrate our 30th birthday and how plan to celebrate Maegan's first. We talked about a McDonald's party (For us, not Maegan) and how wonderful the day would be when she turns one.

There's so much to look forward to in 2007. With family, with work. Most of all, I'm looking forward seeing Maegan grows up.

I think it will be fun seeing her start walking. Can't wait for that day.

So this first post of the new year, I'll start with "It's been great being dad."

Because it's true, 2006 couldn't have been any better. :o)

Happy New Year everyone!
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers