Sunday, August 27, 2006

First times

When a child does something new, who has more fun? Child or parents?

In our case, we did. And what new thing was Maegan doing? For one, she was learning to flip and then, the more dramatic, she started swimming.. well not quite. More like floating.

Two nights ago, Daphne yelled out at me to go into Maegan's room. I thought something had happened and when I went in, I saw Daphne and our helper leaning over the cot laughing and giggling.

The circus act currently showing and performed by Maegan was the First Flip. Yes, she was trying to flip over. I honestly wish I have bought the video-camera I was looking at a few days ago. She was really trying hard and getting frustrated.

Finally, with some help from her dad, she flipped and a round of applause was given for her galant effort. She still kept crying and we kept laughing. It was just great watching her in action.

Today was the dramatic new act. Maegan slipped into her new swim suit, courtesy of her Tua Peh (Big Uncle Terence). She looks really cool and cute. In fact, we had to spend over 10min to decide if she should wear pampers under those swim suit. Won't tell you what we eventually did.

Bought her a new float affectionately called Pinky the Elephant and off into the pool we went.

As I lowered her into the pool, Maegan looked apprehensive at first seeing so much water around her. You have to remember that the largest amount of water is her bath tub. Apprehensive or not, she soon warmed up to the idea and enjoyed her first swim.

She even discovered that she can kick her legs under water while sitting in Pinky and move around.

Truly, it was a great moment for us. While she makes sense of the new experience, we were busy taking photos of this great day. We were cracking up laughing seeing her experience and seeing how cute she is in her swim suit and sitting in Pinky.

Even her rubber ducky had a go in the pool.

I'm not sure if she knows that she is swimming. Perhaps for her, it was just one very long bath time in a somewhat, huge bathtub. But for her parents, it was the world. For me, it was simply precious.

Whenever a child does something new that is fun, I think we as parents do have more fun than them. Watching them is itself, a joy.

Oh, if you are wondering about the pampers, we decided against it. Since pampers soak water, we figured that the pampers might weigh so heavy that Maegan may sink. :o)
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers