I wish this entry was simply about good old Winnie. If only.
It is 1214am and Daphne had just witnessed an avalanche of pooh that was miraculously produced by our tiny Maegan. And the best part, we're jumping for joy that she is pooing.
Pooing, it seems, is not what Maegan's specialty. Unlike many young parents who dread the poo that comes as frequently as Singapore Idol's trailer on TV, we are getting worried that Maegan is not pooing.
Ever since she's back from the hospital, she hasn't poo until our pediatrician Dr Belinda inserted a glycerine suppository into her behind and poo finally came. That was Tuesday.
Since then, Maegan remained constipated. She's great at having a bottom's up with her mum's breast milk but she just doesn't poo.
We've tried everything. From the famous "Mmmmmmmmmmm", to drinking water and to wet cotton buds at her behind, every trick in the bag were used to no avail. She just couldn't poo.
Every night at this time, she starts crying ... change that... wailing, because she just cannot get rid of all the poo that is acumulating and her poor parents, desperately needing sleep, gets worried about her, wondering what else we can do to make her poo.
Back to the avalanche.
Thanks to the advice of Dr Belinda's nurse Susan, we've been advised to purchase the same suppositories and to use it when needed. And use it we did and the avalanche came.
We'll probably take her back to the doctor tomorrow just to see how we can make her feel better and poo better. But for now, we're happy.
It's amazing how one can be so happy with poo. If you ask us, we're extremely delighted that poo came (in a big way). We're delighted not only because Maegan's jaundice can finally come down (stayed up because she couldn't poo), but because she can finally rest well.
And for us, we can finally sleep. Believe it or not, all thanks to poo.