Monday, January 21, 2008

I brushed Maegan's teeth

I brushed Maegan's teeth today.

Serious! I took her small little toothbrush and went brushing her front teeth and her new molars that is so small that I have to look very hard to find them.

It was wild! For me at least. She's 20 months and 3 days and this is the first time I get to brush her teeth and I loved it.

She did too.

I think. :o)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


In about eight hours, I'll be on a flight to Beijing for a four day trip.

Yes. Right in the middle of winter where the best news is temperature ranges from 5 to -5 degrees celcius and the bad news is that -10 degrees is not unheard of.

But this post isn't about my trip. It is about the night before leaving.

As usual, my frantic self tries to pack as much in as I can, last minute which leaves me very little time to play with Maegan. Thankfully, I have Janice that came over and played rounds after rounds of hide and seek.

I've always knew that Maegan loves hide and seek.

She would go into her room, stand beside the door and wait for people to look for her. Last night was different.

When Janice asked her play hide and seek, she zoomed off to my room and started counting ...

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, TEN!

And off she ran to look for Auntie Janice who's hiding in the most obvious of places. She would find her and back she goes again into our room and starts counting all over again.

I just sat there beside my bed of packing that needs to be stuffed into my luggage amazed at how my little miss Maegan is now counting to 10. It just came out of the blue. The most she counted was two and now, she's right up to 10. And audibly too.

It was such a joy simply watching her run after Janice looking to find her to only start counting the numbers all over again.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, TEN!

Apart from my goodbye hug and kiss, watching her having so much fun is probably the best night I can remember of her before any of my flights. I've got it on my mobile and I can watch it over and over again when I miss her.

And yes, she did always miss counting 5, but being able to count to 10 already is an amazing thing to me.

Not going to let the missing 5 spoil all our fun together do we?

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, TEN! And off she goes again.

:o) Hide and seek anyone?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Who needs an alarm clock?

For every new baby born, it would mean one less alarm clock bought.

Babies have that ability to wake even the heaviest of sleepers (like me) but nothing really prepares you for the inevitable, them growing up.

I've always thought that it would a wonderful feeling to one day have my daughter running into our bedroom, jumping on our bed and give you a big huge morning kiss and say "Good morning daddy!"

Wouldn't that be really sweet? I mean, the idea of having your daughter, running over to you and give you a big morning hug would be every dad's dream.

You slowly open your eyes and you see that smile on her angelic face and you start your day how you should, feeling happy.

Well, often things don't really turn out the way them seems.

Yes, my beautiful Maegan has grown big enough to open our bedroom door and yes she runs into our room with zest and excitement. She pushes the little stool by our mirror so that she can climb onto our bed her self and she jumps on her dad and utter the most beautiful words ...

"Wake up daddy! Wake up!"

She tosses and turns and as I slowly open my eyes, I see her treasure filled pampers right in my face feeling the full force of her jumping on me.

She climbs on our latch and grabs hold of my glasses and utters ...

"Daddy, wake up! Daddy, spec-taa-cle!"

Signaling the order given by the young general that her daddy now must awake, wear his spectacles, brush his teeth and change so that the young general could give her final command for that morning ...

"Daddy, outside!".

With that, the young general leads her dutiful dad by his hands and walks straight towards the front door.

All these while her dad still eyes half closes, hair exploding like a tree on wild fire and trying to make sense of what happened to his dream of a beautiful morning with this daughter.

Well, at least I got the hug I dreamed about.

So. Who really needs an alarm clock this days? Not me anymore. I've got little miss Maegan doing just that. She just needs to be tuned slightly to understand that daddy needs to wake up sometime at 3.30am for Champions League football matches and most of the time, prefers to only wake up at 8.30am instead of the 7.00am rude awakening happening most morning.

:o) Keen to buy a second hand alarm clock? I've got Maegan so I'm selling mine.
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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers